Master pizza recipe

Added: 2016 May 08 (Sun)

Total cook time: 3 hours

6 Ingredients


1. In a bowl, combine water, yeast, and oats. Stir with spoon.
2. Add salt. Stir. Add flour. Stir. At some point, start using hands to mix and then knead.
3. Add oil near end of kneading to mix it in as well as coat the outside.
4. Cover with plastic wrap and let sit for at least 1.5 hours.
5. When ready to go, preheat oven to 525°F.
6. Take half the dough and get it into a flat circle on a pizza peel (with parchment paper and corn meal on the peel) using whatever method feels right. Add toppings (but not too much).
7. Lower the oven temperature to 425°F and bake for 10 minutes.
8. Turn 180° and bake for another 3 minutes or so.
9. Cool on a wire rack.
10. Repeat preheat and bake with second pizza.

Makes 2 pizzas

- The flour can be anything, but keeping bread/all-purpose flour to a little over 50% is maybe a good idea. Consider a little flaxseed meal, too.
- About 2 tbsp of rye flour is a good addition.