Better peasant bread

Added: 2019 Nov 28 (Thu)

Total cook time: 02 hours 30 minutes

6 Ingredients


1. In a big bowl, add warm water, yeast, and salt.
2. Add rye flour and whole wheat flour, about a half cup or so at a time, stirring as you go.
3. Finish with adding the all-purpose flour. Add only as much as seems right, enough to keep the dough quite wet and sticky.
4. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let sit for 30 minutes.
5. Punch down a bit, and then shape loaf. Place it on parchment paper on a pizza peel. Sprinkle flour on top to prevent sticking and cover with plastic wrap. Let sit for 1.5 hours.
6. Preheat oven to 550°F (or 575°F if you're feeling crazy). Use a baking stone.
7. Score top of dough. Place dough on baking stone, and lower temperature to 525°F. Bake for 10 minutes.
8. Lower temperature to 400°F, and bake for another 20 minutes.
9. When time's up, consider cracking the oven door and baking for another 5 minutes or something at 375°F.